By Stefanie Gordon
Want a relationship? Monogomy? Someone who’s (actually) single? Don’t assume. Ask. My interview with Woman’s Day provides essential first date questions: #datingtips
First dates are exciting, to be sure, but let’s face it: they’re a lot of work. Common conversation starters — “Where are you from?” “What do you do?” — aren’t what many would consider “riveting.” And since no one wants to waste their time on a meaningless connection, these superficial inquires are, at best, futile. But studies have shown that asking the right questions on a first date can accelerate a connection between two people. In other words: quality over quantity, people.
Woman’s Day spoke to three relationship experts to find out the best questions to ask on a date that’ll both help you get to really know someone, and (perhaps most importantly) decide if there should be a second date. “It’s most important to ask these questions in your own style,” Susan Winter, bestselling author and relationship expert, tells Woman’s Day. “Don’t forget to observe how your date handles the questions you ask. Sometimes what people don’t say is more important than what they do say.” So if you’re preparing for a (probably virtual) first date, consider adding the following questions to your dating repertoire.
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