What are the newest predictions about the future of dating? My interview with The List Daily covers ‘hardballing’, single by choice, Zoom dates, and dry dating. #datingtrends #interview #hardballing #drydating #ZoomDates

Meg writes, “Being single has never been easy — especially when you constantly try to keep up to date with the latest trends and trends in the dating world. With more and more integration between technology and the dating world, these are changing faster and faster. Dating apps, social media, and even A.I. are all playing more significant roles than ever in how we date. And, of course, the COVID-19 pandemic has also had a huge impact on the world of dating.

With things changing so quickly, it can be hard to know what’s coming next. Is the future of dating online? Or are we headed towards a more nostalgic form of in-person dating? We did some research on the latest dating trends and chatted to a few dating experts to try and get to the bottom of what’s coming next for singletons. Read on for a glimpse into the future of dating.

Some people will start hardballing

One of the biggest dating trends of 2022 is “hardballing.” As relationship expert Susan Winter told Today, hardballing is the approach to dating where you refuse to make compromises. This way, she said, you can give your date a “clear and definite vision” of who you are.

Winter explained that if more of us hardball in the future, dating will become a whole lot easier. “The problem that we have nowadays is vagueness. This is what’s creating ‘situationships’ and ‘friends with benefits,’ and people hanging on in the hopes that something more will develop,” she said. By being upfront and non-compromising from the beginning, she explained our relationship can be a lot stronger and healthier. So, could this mean that situationships and friends with benefits will slowly die out in the future dating world? Let’s hope so!

As dating expert at Hily, Connell Barrett, told us, “Everyone should start playing ‘hardball’ in their love lives. Being more honest and authentic about what you want is a gift to the other person.”

More and more people will want sober dates

A few years ago, the typical dates probably took place at a cocktail bar or local pub. After all, a glass or two of wine usually helps take the edge off and calm the nerves. However, according to the experts, a shift is happening: More and more singles are interested in going on sober dates.

According to eHarmony, 74% of daters restricted their alcohol intake in 2022, while 94% claimed that “they’d be interested in someone who doesn’t drink at all.” Relationship expert Laurel House told Mashable that this trend might lead to more careful, thoughtful dating.

The BBC also noted that “dry dating” seemed to be a big trend in 2022. They cited a survey by Bumble, in which 34% of single daters claimed they’d be more likely to do a sober date post-pandemic, while 62% claimed that a sober date could help them “form a more genuine connection.””

It seems that in the future, dates may be taking place in the parks and cafes rather than the bars.

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