By Tina Fey

Looking for a polite response to people asking why you’re still single? My interview with Hack Spirit gives you some great options.

Tina writes,” Over two billion of us around the world are single, so it’s hardly a rarity. But that doesn’t stop some people from asking you why you’re still single as if it’s an odd thing rather than an everyday occurrence. Let’s face it, it’s pretty rude. I mean, you wouldn’t ask someone why they’re choosing to be in a relationship.

Sadly though, it’s a question that still gets thrown around far too often. So how can you respond in a polite, yet firm way? Let’s take a look…

1.) “Last time I checked, relationships are a lot of work”

This one does have a bit of sass to it, but it also depends how you deliver it. Because when you think about it, it’s a very fair point.

Relationships take time, energy, and effort.

  • As highlighted by relationship expert Susan Winter, there is a price for love:

“Believe it or not, relationships are ‘mentally’ expensive. Intimacy and partnership takes up a lot of space in our heads. Even though much of this is happening unconsciously, there’s simply a lesser capacity for individually focused thought. Emotional discord can be all-consuming as it removes us from the present moment and present situation.”

Maybe that’s a price right now you’re not willing to pay.

2) “Do you think being single is a bad thing?”

This is another one that depends on how you deliver it. Sure, if you snap back and say it with a moody tone, it’s going to come across as agitated.

But if you ask it sincerely, then it’s a very valid question.

Yet again, it flips things around and puts the onus on them and away from you.

3) “I know, it’s hard to believe as I’m so awesome, but so far I’ve managed to fight them off”

Sometimes masking our emotions with humor isn’t the way to go. But other times, it’s too tempting not to!

You can make a lighthearted joke to deflect any discomfort you feel about being put on the spot.”

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