Attracting love is far easier than we’re led to believe. One way to jump-start the process of attracting love is to be aware of what lies in our here and now, while being in tune with ourselves.

Yes, we live in a modern world. Partner selection can involve hours online as we sift through the multitude of prospective mates on dating sites. However, there’s an easier way to maximize our time while enjoying the process.

Here are three steps you can take that don’t require excess time or energy. And stunningly, you’re already doing one of these steps daily. You simply haven’t been utilizing its greater potential:

1. Open your eyes during daily errands.

Day in and day out, you’ve got errands to run and places to go. Far too often, we get caught up in our own frenzy of getting from point A to point B. Finalizing tasks becomes our sole focus. Step 1 involves opening your eyes during these routine errands and becoming aware of others in your immediate environment.

Running out to pick up toothpaste or get nail polish remover? Did you notice the guy standing in line behind you at the check out? Did you see the person next to you looking for similar products in your aisle? Possibly not if you were in a hurry and on a mission.

He may be single. He may be the guy who’s also picking up toothpaste, hurrying home to continue his online search for love. And like you, he’s just missed an opportunity to connect in the real world.

Shockingly, people can meet their love partner in person. Old school, but it works. My close friend picked up his wife while standing in line at the drug store. He asked her what she thought about the lotion he’d chosen. It was a ploy. He needed an icebreaker. They’ve been together 12 years because he kept his eyes open during his daily errands.

The supermarket was another gold mine for him before marriage. He’d pretend not to know how to pick out the fresh fruit. Of course, he’d only asked the woman to whom he was attracted. The casual environment made their connection effortless. He maximized his time while increasing his romantic potential.

A bank, drug store, hardware store and coffee shop are natural settings to ask questions and start a conversation. Small conversations in these types of settings appear friendly, not creepy or desperate. In non-threatening environments comments and questions are commonly reciprocated with ease.

Keep your eyes open and you may be surprised to discover who’s within your immediate vicinity. Smile if you like what you see. Ask a question if you care to engage. Parlay your off-duty time into its greater possibilities.

2. Give a warm New Year’s wish to that special friend/colleague you haven’t seen in awhile.

You have their number. You’ve saved their email. You’ve kept their contact information for good reason. You’ve always liked them and they like you. Timing, distance or other situations got in the way. Whatever the reason, this is the perfect time to rekindle the connection. The best part is that you have a reason which serves an your excuse for contact. You’re wishing them a great New Year.

It’s not too late. Most people don’t get up and running until after the holidays have passed and they’ve had a week or two back at work. Now’s the time to drop a note, call or text your special friend. Wish them a fantastic year. Include some positive information regarding what you’ve been doing (or intend to do) that could spark a conversation. Ask what’s new in their life. Be brief, warm, and come from the heart.

Don’t worry about the outcome. Step 2 opens the door to communication. Your wishes for their New Year may prove to be immensely rewarding for you.

3. Say “Yes” to something new.

We’ve all have things we’d like to do, but haven’t made the time because it was for ourselves. Work, family or other issues took priority over our personal desires. Whatever the former excuses now is the time to do something for you.

Step 3 has a purpose. It’s a tangible gift of self-love. Saying, “yes” to something new you’ve wanted to experience is to allow for your own happiness.

Whether skydiving or a salsa class, an afternoon curled up with your favorite book or a great girl’s night out… now’s the time to honor yourself by saying “yes” to your desires. Placing joy in your own hands provides the foundation for being grounded and whole. Establishing a precedent of taking care of yourself will serve you well when you attract your future mate.

Internal desires are potent. They’re the pieces of our life puzzle that beg to be put into their grand design. Within those urges, wisdom prevails. Not only will the “yes” edify you personally, but may also provide the link to the partner who’s been waiting to meet you as well.

It’s a new year. It’s a new you. Open your eyes to the fullness of life that surrounds you. Reconnect with those individuals you’ve always enjoyed who were special. And, allow yourself to explore the greater dimensions of your interests and desires by honoring yourself. You’ll soon see how these three simple steps create a beautiful basis for attracting love this year.