
What are the 5 signs that show someone’s a serial cheater? My feature with the Good Men Project gives you the big five tipoffs: #serialcheater #clues #cheating

John writes, “Relationships with people who for some mysterious reason give-off vibes that make it just so difficult for one to trust them is just too emotionally and mentally stressful.

Not that you’re terribly insecure and can’t just trust them to never stray away from their fidelity (again if you recently caught them cheating.)

But there’s this thing about them that makes it simply too hard to brush off the doubts, fears, and thoughts of them breaking your trust all over again. Perhaps they’ve always been the types of people with little to no sense of guilt and have always betrayed people who love and trust them.

And truth be told, such a situation can overwhelmingly consume one with stress and leave her swimming in a pool of doubts, fear, and uncertainty about what might become of the relationship soon.

No doubt, we all at times, feel stressed, doubtful, and uncertain about so many things in our relationships including our partners’ faithfulness. There’s no point pretending that even the best relationships are sweet and cool all the time.

But there’s a clear-cut difference between temporary and easy-to-overcome fears and doubts — because they don’t just add up. And the types that’ll never go away — because something is wrong somewhere.

They’re Flakey and Inconsistent as Hell

Some inconsiderate and irresponsible serial heartbreakers can be just terrible enough to be the most inconsistent and unreliable people one can ever meet in a lifetime.

They’ll endlessly break promises, change their minds, and avoid any form of commitment at all costs, no matter how small.

The problem is not just that such kinds of unreliable people never consider a romantic partner a priority in their lives. They’re simply the kinds of people that naturally don’t take social commitments any seriously. In fact, Susan Winter — NYC relationship expert, love coach, and author of Breakup Triage: Cure for Heartache considers this a huge relationship red flag that can make up for a whole lot of frustration if ignored.

Hence, if you don’t want to subject yourself to a never-ending roller coaster of stress and frustrations inflicted on you by the incessant empty promises they’ll never follow through with, bailing on or canceling plans with you, habitual blow-offs, disappearing and leaving you waiting, then you should know that your time is just too precious to waste on unreliable flakes who are putting up such behaviors because they can’t afford to commit to you and miss out on other people they can be with.

Read the full version of the article on the Good Men Project website.