Dating Tips for Men

The KEY To Building and Maintaining Healthy RELATIONSHIPS | ‘Positively Ernie’- ABC

2024-06-24T10:57:22-04:00By |Categories: ABC, Article, Article - Love and Life, Article - Modern Love, Dating Advice, Dating Tips for Men, Dating Tips for Women, Dating Trends, Interview, Life & Style, Relationship Expert, Relationships, Self-Esteem, TV interview|Tags: , |

Want to know the key to building and maintaining healthy relationships? My dynamic interview with ABC TV legend Ernie Anastos covers modern dating challenges, creating healthy relationships, social media’s impact on self-worth, and why humane comportment is so essential to a healthy society.  […]

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Breaking Free from Approval-Seeking: How to Build Confidence in the Early Stages of Dating | by Susan Winter

2024-06-19T14:28:05-04:00By |Categories: Article, Dating Advice, Dating Tips for Men, Dating Tips for Women, Relationship Expert, Relationships, Self Help, Self-Esteem|

By Susan Winter Want to break free from approval-seeking? Here's my advice on how to build confidence in the early stages of dating. Our survival as humans has long been dependent upon being an accepted member of the group. And though we’re no longer fighting off wild beasts to live another day, this instinct for approval remains encoded within. Our atavistic instinct protects us. Yet this same survival issue can work against us when it comes to dating and mating. It’s natural for us to [...]

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Guy Laughs At 30 Y.O. Woman’s Unrealistic Expectation Of Rejected Guys Winning Her Heart Over Slowly | Bored Panda Interview

2024-06-20T16:55:55-04:00By |Categories: Article, Dating Advice, Dating Games, Dating Tips for Men, Dating Tips for Women|Tags: , |

By Austėja Bliujūtė When you reject a guy, do you expect him to hang around in friend zone (and hope to eventually win your affection)? My feature in BoredPanda talks about a woman who did, and why that skewed dating-logic doesn’t make sense to those around her. A recent Reddit discussion has reignited the conversation about dating in your 30s. While the initial spark of a new connection can be thrilling, the article acknowledges the potential burnout from repetitive first dates and predictable conversations that [...]

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Men confess: 22 reasons why younger guys fall for older women | interview

2024-06-18T16:08:43-04:00By |Categories: Article - Older Women / Younger Men, Dating Advice, Dating Tips for Men, Dating Tips for Women, Interview, Love, Marriage, Older Women/Younger Men, Relationship Expert, Relationships|Tags: |

Susan Winter iVillage Update: Are you wondering why younger men fall in love with older women? This new article published in AOL shares direct quotes from the men interviewed for our international bestseller, “Older Women/Younger Men.” At the time, this topic was highly controversial. Imagine… a younger man confesses desiring a committed relationship with an older woman. My co-author and I knew "why" because we both had younger partners. But this story needed to come directly from the men. It was their voice that substantiated [...]

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10 Essential Pieces of Expert Dating Advice | Psychology Today

2024-04-02T17:05:49-04:00By |Categories: Article, Dating Advice, Dating Tips for Men, Dating Tips for Women, Online Dating, Psychology Today, Relationship Expert|Tags: , , , , , |

by Gary W. Lewandowski Jr. Ph.D. Dating seems like something best done from the heart. "Not so!" said 10 top relationship experts when asked what it takes to find success while dating. Learn their best dating advice in this article from author and romance expert, Gary W. Lewandowski Jr. Ph.D.. Lewandowski Jr. writes, "We've all heard the cliché, 'Follow your heart.' This well-meaning (but often vague) advice is frequently dispensed by loved ones. However, good intentions don't always translate to actionable guidance in the world [...]

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