
Man Slammed for Telling Parents He Should Have Had Fancy Vacation as a Kid | Newsweek feature

2022-08-06T23:46:45-04:00By |Categories: Article, Dating Advice, Interview, Marriage, Money, Newsweek|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

BY MATT KEELEY Can not having a fancy vacation as a kid make you insecure about money as an adult? Childhood beliefs around ‘money issues’ can filter through to our adult relationships. My feature with @Newsweek explains how these attitudes affect (and alter) the balance of our romantic partnerships. #money #control Matt writes, "A man is being bashed when a joke he made was taken seriously, when he said the fancy vacation he just came back from was what he "should've" had as a child. [...]

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‘Petty and Childish’: Man Dragged for Intervening in Wife’s Job Interviews | Newsweek interview

2022-06-12T15:46:55-04:00By |Categories: Article, Interview, Marriage, Money, Relationship Expert, Relationships|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

BY TAYLOR MCCLOUD  'Petty and Childish' Husband discredited for disrupting his wife's job interviews. My @newsweek interview explains 'career sabotage.' “Career sabotage by a spouse, intentional or unintentional, is often the result of harmful jealousy and insecurity,” I tell Newsweek. Is it happening to you? Here are the signs: #careersabotage #jealousy #spouse #marriage Taylor writes, "Members of a popular internet forum offered stern advice to one woman who said her husband has ruined every job interview she's had over the last five months. In a [...]

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Earning much more or less than your partner can make you resentful or guilty | Business Insider interview

2019-10-25T17:43:35-04:00By |Categories: Article, Money, Relationship Expert, Relationships|Tags: , , , |

By: Liz Knueven In a survey of 2,096 Americans from Morning Consult and Insider, the majority of Americans reported they had a financial imbalance going into their current relationships. About 44% of people surveyed who were either married to or living with a partner said that they made more money than their partner before they started dating, and 30% said they made less. All told, about 74% of people surveyed reported having some financial imbalance before they started their relationship. Only 26% of people said [...]

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