
This is how you should tell your partner you have cheated on them | feature

2018-11-20T23:30:49-05:00By |Categories: cheating, refinery29, Relationship Expert, Relationships|Tags: , , , , , |

By: OLIVIA HAYES We were not expecting this at all, to be honest. People in relationships cheat for many reasons. Unfortunately, we all know someone who has been cheated on, or indeed you might have been cheated on too. It's a really crappy situation that nobody wants to be in, but it happens. However, we were quite surprised to hear that when Refinery29 asked a sex and relationships expert how to tell a partner that you've cheated on them, they said to keep it quiet. Thought honesty was the [...]

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Deleting Your Dating Apps Is The New Test Of Commitment | Refinery29 interview

2024-04-11T14:19:38-04:00By |Categories: Article - Modern Love, Dating Advice, Dating Tips for Men, Dating Tips for Women, Love, Online Dating, refinery29, Relationship Expert, Relationships|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

KASANDRA BRABAW You're in a brand new relationship and everything is going well. You and your new boo are spending a ton of time cuddling on the couch, going out, and having that super hot exploring-every-part-of-your-body sex. You've even had the "are we exclusive?" chat. So why can't you stop thinking about whether or not Tinder, OkCupid, Bumble, and all the other apps are still taking up space on your S.O.'s phone? Deleting online dating apps feels like one of the biggest tests of commitment in monogamous relationships today. Maybe that sounds silly. [...]

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