
How To Navigate Being The Only Single Friend In Your Group | Glam Magazine interview

2024-04-11T13:45:43-04:00By |Categories: Article, Interview, Life & Style, Relationship Expert, Relationships, Self-Esteem, Single|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

BY ZOE NOLZ Are you the only single friend in your group? Being single can be challenging in a couples’ world, but especially so in your friend group. My interview in Glam Magazine explains how to confidently handle this situation. #single #singleinfriendgroup #couplesworld   Zoe writes, "Every friend group has that perpetually single friend. While everyone else in the squad has either been in a committed relationship for years or is excited about their brand-new partner, that one friend is always flying solo. The idea of [...]

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When is it Okay to Ghost Someone? | Glam interview

2024-06-20T17:38:29-04:00By |Categories: Article, Dating Advice, Dating Games, Interview, Relationships, Self-Esteem|Tags: , , |

BY AMANDA CHATEL Is it ever okay to ghost someone? Surprisingly, yes. My interview with Glam shows you when you a hard cut-off is the right move: #ghosting #boundaries #safedating Journalist and editor Amanda Chatel writes, "Although it's probably safe to assume that people have been ghosting since the dawn of time, it's only been since 2015 that the term "ghosting" has become part of our vernacular (via Mic). And now we know that it was just the beginning of dating-related terminology that was going to [...]

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5 Behaviors That Reveal Someone is Gaslighting You | Power of Positivity interview

2024-07-01T19:12:08-04:00By |Categories: Article, Dating Advice, Dating Games, Interview, Relationship Expert, Relationships, Self Help, Self-Esteem|Tags: |

By Power of Positivity How do you know if someone’s gaslighting you? My interview with The Power of Positivity exposes the 5 toxic behaviors that reveal gaslighting. Recognize them to eliminate false narratives (and regain your truth): #gaslighting #toxic According to relationship expert Susan Winter, gaslighting occurs when someone tries to control someone else through manipulation by making them doubt themselves, their intuition and their reality. Note that the purpose is to make someone question their reality. It’s a specific form of abuse that can [...]

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Coronavirus: Overcoming Loneliness | YouTube Live

2024-05-03T10:47:23-04:00By |Categories: Dating Advice, Live Event, Relationship Expert, Relationships, Self Help, Self-Esteem, Videos|Tags: , , , , |

The coronavirus and overcoming loneliness— Mandatory sequestering has left many individuals feeling isolated and alone. If you’re feeling disconnected and overwhelmed, here are my best practices for overcoming loneliness while staying grounded and positive. […]

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Here are 10 Ways To Enjoy Being Single | Your Tango interview

2024-04-11T14:10:45-04:00By |Categories: Article, Self Help, Self-Esteem, Single|Tags: , , , |

By Sofia Stewart— Editor Are you tired of being alone? Here are 10 ways to enjoy being single in this post by  Sofia Stewart of Your Tango. Sofia writes, "Being single has a lot more benefits than we give it credit it for." She continues, "Depending on whether or not you’ve been in a relationship, being single can be a positive or negative situation. If you’ve been in relationships, then it's easy to feel more lonely — especially after you're used to someone being by [...]

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