100 interesting questions to ask to get to know someone better |

2024-04-11T14:10:28-04:00By |Categories: Article, Interview, Relationship Expert, Relationships,|Tags: , , , , , |

By Katelyn Chef Looking for some interesting questions that are great conversation starters? My interview with @TODAYshow gives you 100 questions that are guaranteed to create intrigue and connection. #interview #conversationstarters #questions When we were younger, making new friends was simply a part of everyday life. However, it can be more challenging as an adult, especially when you factor in work stresses, cross-country moves and major life changes. No matter if you’re looking for love, traveling somewhere new or trying to widen your social circle, the [...]

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There’s actually a good dating trend out there and it’s called ‘hardballing’ | feature

2021-12-25T23:12:55-05:00By |Categories: Article, Dating News, Interview, Relationship Expert,|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |

By Joyann Jeffrey What is ‘hardballing?’ My feature with explains the benefits of this dating trend that endorses the honest communication of one’s romantic goals and expectations. #hardballing #datingtrend Joyann writes, "Relationship expert Susan Winter says that "hardballing" is a great way to put your needs first.It's true that most recent dating terms — like pocketing or ghosting —are cause for concern. But fear not singletons because the latest trending word, "hardballing," isn't as bad as it sounds. What is "hardballing"? "Hardballing" is a [...]

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