The UK’s top health and fitness coach and radio host asks Susan how to determine if our relationship is healthy.
What do you do if your partner isn’t into fitness as much as you? How do you know if that relationship is the ONE? Are you someone who bickers with your partner over petty things, why is this, are we poor communicators, or are we not right for one another?
Our relationship with our partner is one of the most important relationships we have, and optimising it will lead to more happiness in life, so it was essential I got Susan Winter, New York based TV presenter and relationship expert on to the show to blow the doors off this topic. You’re going to love this show, enjoy.
Our relationship with our partner is one of the most important relationships we have, and optimising it will lead to more happiness in life, so it was essential I got Susan Winter, New York based TV presenter and relationship expert on to the show to blow the doors off this topic.
About Ben:
Want to learn more about health, fitness, enhancing your performance and how to be more awesome? Get Ben Coomber Radio downloaded NOW!
His weekly show is packed with Q&A episodes recorded with my legendary co-host Rachel Guy (model and trainer), as well as interviews with the likes of CT Fletcher, Layne Norton, James Haskell, Elliot Hulse, Phil Learney and many more incredible guests. At the time of writing this we have recorded over 250 hours of free fitness, health, performance and life changing information.
All shows are 30-60 minutes long and get released every Thursday, like clockwork. It’s a show to make you more awesome, more motivated, empower you with knowledge to succeed with your health and body composition goals, and is always fun along the way. Best of all, it’s FREE.
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