There’s the tendency for people to feel uncomfortable in the “in between” times, while awaiting loves entry. Whether it’s the desire to date someone special or to secure a sexual partner… there is a sense of incompleteness that attends most of this process. That drive comes from the inner urge to find partnership in the hopes of new beginnings. There can be daunted expectations or frustrated attempts. In this time period, it’s important to continue to live life. And, to live life fully.
We can’t make another person jump into our lives. We can’t magically produce the partner we want. In thinking that life is incomplete without this special “someone,” we put ourselves in a holding pattern that keeps us from enjoying the life we do have, now.
This type of thinking is the surest way to repel anyone who may be interested.
The most attractive quality a person can possess is confidence. Part of that confidence is not only in oneself, but a confidence in the flow of life.
To allow life to be lived fully while in expectant anticipation of partnership, is the key to attracting the “other” we seek.
We are not incomplete. We are not faulty or missing out on life. There’s nothing wrong with being single and enjoying the experience. Partnership is the merging of two souls. Yet there has been the social construct that infers being “one,” isn’t enough.
If we think we’re bright, attractive and interesting… why are we single? Why not?
To be single doesn’t imply that we are less. It’s simply a definition of one who isn’t currently partnered.
When we do finally meet that special person, we’ll be adding them to a life we already have. First, we need to have a life. Then, the partner is simply an addition to an already full life.
Being single isn’t a death sentence of uncomfortable waiting before someone comes to save us. It’s part of life, for all. At some time we will be single. To begin to look at this time period as having merit in and of itself, is the beginning to the cure to this social misconstruct.
The point is to embrace life, and embrace our life.
There are perks that come with being single. We have the ability to focus solely upon ourselves. We have no one to report to, or with whom to negotiate our choices.
Our time is our own. We have only our problems to attend to, and only our desires to fulfill. We have the rare opportunity to explore what we want, when we want and without constraint.
It’s a rich and beautiful experience, if we allow it to be. The more we add to our lives in this period, the more we have to offer when partnership arrives.