Articles: Age

Women’s Ages: What to Expect in Her 30’s, 40’s, 50’s and Beyond

2024-07-05T18:13:12-04:00By |Categories: Article, Article - Older Women / Younger Men, Older Women/Younger Men|Tags: |

Her Thirties The priorities for women in their thirties are similar to the priorities of men in their thirties. It’s a time to plan for the life ahead. This is a time of career advancement and personal focus. The process of gaining stability economically is of major concern. As women continue to evolve in socio-economic terms, the thirties are a time to dig in one’s heels and create a stable future. But, there are two different types of women who date in their thirties. And, they have [...]

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Men’s Ages: What to Expect Throughout His 20’s

2024-06-19T17:36:18-04:00By |Categories: Article, Older Women/Younger Men|Tags: |

His Early-Twenties  If you’re dating a guy in his early twenties there’re some factors you’ll need to keep in mind. This is a time of dynamic shifts for a young man. His whole world is opening up, and therefore, he’s unsettled. He may have just finished college. Perhaps he’s getting his first apartment. He’s dipping his toes into the working world with his first job. Everything’s new and uncertain. The seduction of money in his pocket in combination with newfound independence can be heady for [...]

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The Perks of Aging

2024-06-19T14:17:36-04:00By |Categories: Advice, Article, Article - Older Women / Younger Men, Older Women/Younger Men|Tags: |

As a woman of 107, I can’t say aging has been a delightful experience. I must have several young men on hand at all times just to do the basics; drive me to the male review, open my pill bottles, and remind me of what I was attempting to do but forgot. Despite its obvious limitations, aging comes with a delicious set of perks that cannot be realized in one’s youth. The greatest of these is the gift of wisdom. All the trials and rewards [...]

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8 Reasons to Date a 23 Year-Old Man (regardless of your age)

2024-06-19T14:18:00-04:00By |Categories: Advice, Article, Article - Older Women / Younger Men, Older Women/Younger Men|Tags: |

I recently began seeing a much younger man. He is 23. He is also well bred, well educated, ambitious, intelligent, handsome and gentlemanly. Withstanding the protestations of some of my more traditional and conservative friends, I feel I am justified in my choice. One must not be an ageist, or be found guilty of discrimination against the very young. They too, have their merits beyond the obvious. What tangible arguments can I offer to the women who habitually order the Blue Plate Special and relish the [...]

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Is Age Really “Just a Number??”

2024-06-19T14:18:57-04:00By |Categories: Advice, Article, Article - Older Women / Younger Men, Older Women/Younger Men|Tags: |

As one who shudders when she inputs her age in her on-line dating profile, I must protest. While we often hear the comment, “Age is just a number”…what a difference the exact digits makes. Recently I tried on-line dating as a last ditch effort to increase the number of men I was able to meet (outside my local gym). Having met my romantic partners in the health clubs for the last 30 years I came to the sad realization that writing is indeed a solitary [...]

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