Articles: Attracting Partnership

What do You Want?

2024-05-24T15:28:47-04:00By |Categories: Article, Article - Love and Life|Tags: |

Most people who're actively dating focus on asking themselves, “What does he/she want?” The question is a waste of time and energy. The question that should be asked is, “What do I want?” How many times have you listened to a friend ramble on and on about, “What did he/she mean by that? What do you think he/she wants?” As confident, self possessed individuals, the only thing you need to determine is what you want from your partner. Once that’s clearly established, proceed honestly in [...]

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Dating is a Numbers Game

2024-05-24T15:30:18-04:00By |Categories: Article, Article - Love and Life|Tags: |

You're ready to meet someone special. You've done all the preliminary work required to set yourself up for success. You've gotten clear on the qualities you need in a partner and know the type of relationship you want. What's the next step to take for romance to happen? You must be accessible. Unless you want to date the pizza delivery guy or the female UPS employee, leaving the house is a necessity. Even if you're an avid online dater all your at-home swiping requires an in-person meeting. Dating is a numbers game for [...]

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The Ultimate Seduction

2024-05-24T15:29:44-04:00By |Categories: Article, Article - Love and Life|Tags: |

The ultimate form of seduction may be different than what you’d imagine. Unlike the long-held ideology that allure is created by push/pull tactics, games and distancing— the key to all attraction, is warmth. When you think of the most charming and engaging people you’ve ever met, they were undoubtedly warm. Warmth is the quality that opens the hardest of hearts. It allows an ease of inner guard defense. It allows those in its presence to feel safe, “to feel.” This is not the false warmth [...]

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Be Clear

2024-05-24T15:29:11-04:00By |Categories: Article, Article - Love and Life|Tags: |

Getting to partnership is a process. The first part of which involves you. You must be very clear about the type of connection you want. Once that is formulated, in day-to-day life you will continue to send that message out into the world. You can't get to partnership by sending out mixed signals. Dating for fun and sexual liaisons is one idea, and long-term partnership another. If you haven't focused clearly on your preference, you will attract a partner with their own preference which may [...]

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Know Your Power

2024-05-24T15:28:23-04:00By |Categories: Article, Article - Love and Life|Tags: |

We all have a special quality that we possess.  Uniquely ours, it can only be expressed by us. It’s not our talents or gifts. It’s not our fame or fortune. It’s not our beauty or brilliance. It is our essence. When we become aware of our own unique essence, we gain mastery of our presence. We begin to understand how we appear to others and what we create within them. We each have a resonance, a vibe, and a core that radiates our interior qualities. [...]

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