Articles: Dating Minefields

So, I’m Supposed to Chase You?

2024-05-24T15:46:38-04:00By |Categories: Advice, Article, Article - Modern Love, Huffington Post|Tags: , , , , , |

The birth of the 21st Century didn’t cause our computers to crash. Something more insidious happened. The rules of courtship changed. Fourteen years after the new millennium, it’s clear that women are now the ones left in charge of romantic “pursuit.” This bizarre social shift leaves many of us wondering about the current expectations of pursuit and showing interest in a man. This cultural twist has created the very thing women most detest; men are being trained (by all the other women they meet) to [...]

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How to Flip from “Friend” to Lover

2024-05-24T15:50:07-04:00By |Categories: Advice, Article, Article - Modern Love|Tags: , , , , , , |

Are you stuck in the “friend zone? It’s a rotten position to play when you’d prefer to be the “lover.” If you want to flip from friend to lover, here’s how to negotiate the mechanics of that choice: Should you tell them? Yes. Speaking up and owning your truth is the hallmark of empowerment and confidence. Courage and conviction show you know yourself and have the internal strength to speak your mind, without fear. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. If love [...]

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Handling “Checked” and “Unchecked Baggage”

2024-05-24T15:48:20-04:00By |Categories: Advice, Article, Article - Modern Love|Tags: , , , , |

The “perfect” partner doesn’t exist. Accepting baggage’s existence is a step forward in rational thinking. There’s only question we need to ourselves when bringing someone new into our lives; “Are these the types of issues I’m willing to handle?” Meeting a romantic prospect is like buying a “blind item.” At first glance everything looks great. In our first meetings, far too much information is missing to form an accurate assessment of what lies beneath the surface. People tend to be on their best behavior when [...]

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8 Signs You’re “Going Nowhere”

2024-05-24T15:46:02-04:00By |Categories: Advice, Article, Article - Modern Love|Tags: , , , , , , |

There was a time in history when the word dating meant “courtship.” It was the formal process by which one proved their merit for a committed partnership. Today, the word “dating” is the polite term for “sleeping with a person.” It doesn’t imply a future partnership, nor sexual exclusivity. Many relationship-minded singles are finding themselves in the grey area of modern dating. To end the confusion, here are 8 signs you’re “Going Nowhere.” 1. He/she doesn’t make plans to secure your time: You don’t know [...]

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Sex With a “Friend?”

2024-05-24T15:49:40-04:00By |Categories: Advice, Article, Article - Modern Love|Tags: , , , |

“Is it wise to have friendship bud into romance?” This was the question I was recently asked by a journalist at COSMO MAGAZINE(UK). One has to question the nature of term the “friendship” in order to answer this question properly. Is this person a true friend with whom we share our time and confidence— then one day see them in a completely different light? This type of scenario is rare, given my research. Certainly, love has blossomed in the case of co-workers and associates from other [...]

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