Articles: Endings

When Is It Really Over?

2024-09-24T17:20:45-04:00By |Categories: Advice, Article, Article - Love and Life, Breakups & Divorce, Divorce|Tags: , , , , , |

I’m often asked when to pull the plug on a failing relationship. When is there hope and when is it really over? Logic dictates that we should map out a course of action and prepare for (what may be) the inevitable. And though clients want me to give them this answer, they’re the only one’s who know when it’s really over for them. I recently got a letter from a woman who wants to save her marriage. She’s taken every step possible to correct the [...]

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The Two Meanings of a Breakup

2024-09-24T17:22:06-04:00By |Categories: Advice, Article, Article - Love and Life, Breakups & Divorce, Huffington Post|Tags: , , , , , , , |

Breakup can have two distinctly different meanings. They can be exactly what they are, and they can also be the opposite of what they seem to be. A breakup can mean, “I’m done here. It’s really over.” Or, it can be a plea for proof of your love. This type of breakup comes as a threat, which is saying, “I love you. You’re hurting me. I want to stay with you but I feel scared, insecure and unappreciated. Step up to the plate and prove [...]

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Parting Ways; The Natural Cycle of Life

2024-09-24T17:22:06-04:00By |Categories: Article, Article - Love and Life, Breakups & Divorce, Dating Advice, Dating Tips for Men, Dating Tips for Women, Love, Marriage, Relationship Expert, Relationships|Tags: , , , , , |

Lovers and friends come in and out of our lives. This is a natural occurrence. Yet, upon this revelation we often feel baldly. "Why did this happen? How could they let me down? I thought we shared a love, a connection, and that we were closer." Emotions of loss, betrayal, invalidation and sadness are common to the parting of ways. It takes thinking through this occurrence to get to a state of peace, power and purpose. If we're honest with ourselves, we find we're rarely [...]

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