Articles: Single?

Confessions of a Lazy Lover

2024-05-24T15:53:24-04:00By |Categories: Advice, Article, Article - Modern Love, Huffington Post, Single|Tags: , , , , |

I must make this admission: I’m lazy lover. I apply no energy whatsoever to creating a love life. Why any man would seek my company at this juncture in my life is a complete mystery to me. I lack all desire to be receptive to a man’s advances and give no hint of interest. My attitude of laziness is compounded beyond its formal definition, as I have neither guilt nor remorse for my current state of affairs. I wasn’t always this lazy. There was a [...]

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Holidays: From “Lonely” to “With Yourself”

2024-05-24T15:52:53-04:00By |Categories: Advice, Article, Article - Modern Love, Single|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

The Holidays can create difficult emotional states for many people. The hype and expectations surrounding this time period are intense. Commercials and movies emphasize happy, loving families enjoying their time together and couples in cozy, warm images of endless love. But what about those people whose lives don’t match these images? What about the widowed, single, and those separated from loved ones due to circumstance or distance? They are often made to feel badly about their state of “aloneness” at this time of year. There’s [...]

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The Irrational Fear of Being Alone

2024-05-24T15:52:23-04:00By |Categories: Advice, Article, Article - Modern Love, Huffington Post, Single|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

The fear of being alone is terrifying for most people I know. We've been led to believe that having someone is better than having no one. This message runs deep in our social fabric and is the basis of many single's discontent. Attached to this myth is the belief that being single mean "unwanted" instead of taking one's time to choosing wisely. The fear of being alone is an irrational construct. Alone doesn't mean "lonely." Yet, many single's hate this part of the journey. There's [...]

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Why Are You Still Single?

2024-05-24T15:51:59-04:00By |Categories: Advice, Article, Article - Modern Love, Single|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

I have a dear friend in her early 40’s. She’s got it all, a great personality and a great life. As a dedicated triathlete she’s physically fit and attractive. Well dressed, well-bred, and owns her own apartment in Manhattan (no small feat). She’s inclusive, warm and open. Oh. And… she’s single. She recently met a guy online who was knocked out by her photos, bio and personality on the phone. He’d found the “total package.” So, he asked her ”Why are you still single?” This [...]

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The Big Secret Every Single Needs to Know

2024-05-24T15:51:09-04:00By |Categories: Advice, Article, Article - Modern Love, Single|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

Are you single? There’s a big secret you need to know. When you learn the truth of this secret your entire life will change for the better. Why is it that you don’t know this secret? It’s one of perspective. Far too often, single people focus on the fact that they’re “alone.” When in public, they notice all the couples holding hands. At the movies, it seems as though everyone else has a date but them. Through the lens of this perspective singles often [...]

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