Secret Relationships | ABC Radio’s ‘Overnights with Rod Quinn’ interview

2024-06-20T17:46:42-04:00By |Categories: Celebrity News, cheating, Dating Advice, Dating News, Interview, Radio, Relationship Expert, Relationships|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |

Secret Relationships. What do we know about secret relationships? My interview with ABC Radio’s ‘Overnight’s with Rod Quinn’ explains why people choose to keep their relationship secret. How do they function? What’s the protocol? How does the couple get away with it? This conversation and interview were prompted by Australia’s NSW Premiere Gladys Berejiklian and her 5-year long partner, Daryl Maguire, with whom she’d had a secret relationship.   Here are our main talking points: Why do people get into secret relationships? The good and [...]