
The Top Online Dating Gurus Catered to NYC; Ohlala feature

2020-01-19T23:37:25-05:00By |Categories: Dating Advice, Interview, Relationship Expert, Relationships|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

By Alice Bardos Often times, New Yorkers find themselves in a romance rut, despite being on the right track career-wise and financially. It’s kind of the thing we like to think about the least because it can seem more volatile than the stock exchange. To help get the ball rolling, Ohlala has compiled a list of our favorite New York romance gurus that are just a click away from helping you get over your confidence, conversation – or what have you issues. A perfect use [...]

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The one-year itch: 4 ways to keep the love alive | Toronto Sun interview

2019-09-26T22:35:17-04:00By |Categories: Dating Advice, Interview, Love, Relationships|Tags: , , , , , , , |

By Simone Paget Forget the seven-year itch. The one-year itch might be what you really need to be worried about. According to a new study out of Munich's Ludwig Maximilian University, passion in a relationship begins to fade after the one-year mark. The study which was published in the Archives of Sexual Behavior looked at 3,000 participants between the ages of 25 and 41 and asked them to rate their sex lives in order to determine when they were the most sexually satisfied. What they [...]

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Life Lessons to Excel in Your 30’s, 40’s and 50’s; interview with New Woman Magazine

2024-04-11T14:24:37-04:00By |Categories: Dating Tips for Women, Relationship Expert, Self Help, Self-Esteem|Tags: , , , , , |

Life Lessons: Journalist Aruna Rathod interviews Susan for tips on vibrant living for women in their 30's, 40's, and 50's for New Woman Magazine. Balancing time with work, family and yourself can be challenging at any age. Yet, there are specific needs that women face in each of these age categories. Click the title to read this featured article:

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The “New Rules” of Dating and Mating

2024-05-24T15:41:25-04:00By |Categories: Advice, Article, Article - Modern Love|Tags: , , , , , , , |

By Susan Winter Rule #1: There are no rules. There are no “rules” to modern dating. When applying the rules of romance from former time periods, we force modern-day individuals to squeeze themselves into a smaller version of who they are. Our current social climate includes vast changes (including female empowerment and open sexuality), and therefore calls for new ways of being.  Each needs to create a new design of their own making, and one that is in alignment with their specific goals. Roles of defined [...]

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