happily single

Here are 10 Ways To Enjoy Being Single | Your Tango interview

2024-04-11T14:10:45-04:00By |Categories: Article, Self Help, Self-Esteem, Single|Tags: , , , |

By Sofia Stewart— Editor Are you tired of being alone? Here are 10 ways to enjoy being single in this post by  Sofia Stewart of Your Tango. Sofia writes, "Being single has a lot more benefits than we give it credit it for." She continues, "Depending on whether or not you’ve been in a relationship, being single can be a positive or negative situation. If you’ve been in relationships, then it's easy to feel more lonely — especially after you're used to someone being by [...]

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99 Things To Do After A Breakup That Are Actually Healthy And Healing | Well+Good Feature

2024-09-24T17:25:24-04:00By |Categories: Article, Breakups & Divorce, Self Help, Self-Esteem, Single, Well+Good|Tags: , , |

The morning after my most recent breakup from a serious relationship, I woke up, wiped off my mascara-stained face and wrote out advice for myself in list form. Item one read: “Breakups are excruciating as a default, you can’t escape that.” While that bummer of a truism isn’t the most empowering, I charged on with my list and ended up with a huge document of ideas of things to do after a breakup. And I found it to be hugely helpful as I navigated the [...]

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What if relationships aren’t really your thing? Experts say this is how you’ll know | Pulse Nigeria interview

2024-04-11T13:48:30-04:00By |Categories: Article, Pulse Nigeria, Self-Esteem, Single|Tags: , , , , , |

By: AYOOLA ADETAYO Either permanently or temporarily, there're people who see no reason for a romantic connection with anybody. And that has to be OK, too. Perhaps the most interesting about humans is our inherent existential differences, the autonomy and insulation of our individual minds from group thoughts and societal beliefs. That’s why it usually happens that some people lean towards different inclinations as opposed to what the majority of society believes in. Take, for example, dating and relationships. The ‘normal’ thing, as far as [...]

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Why single women are so much more content than men | Moneyish interview

2024-04-11T14:04:38-04:00By |Categories: Article, Interview, Self-Esteem, Single|Tags: , , , , , , |

By Reed Alexander Research is showing that single women fare better than their male counterparts. Moneyish asked Susan Winter what's behind this newfound confidence. Men have a tougher time enjoying singledom than women do, new study shows. Single ladies are relishing their solo status. Women are generally happier with being single than men are, according to a new study from UK research firm Mintel. When they didn’t have a partner, 61% of single women in the UK reported feeling content on their own, versus 49% [...]

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Confessions of a Lazy Lover

2024-05-24T15:53:24-04:00By |Categories: Advice, Article, Article - Modern Love, Huffington Post, Single|Tags: , , , , |

I must make this admission: I’m lazy lover. I apply no energy whatsoever to creating a love life. Why any man would seek my company at this juncture in my life is a complete mystery to me. I lack all desire to be receptive to a man’s advances and give no hint of interest. My attitude of laziness is compounded beyond its formal definition, as I have neither guilt nor remorse for my current state of affairs. I wasn’t always this lazy. There was a [...]

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