Jenn Ficarra

Destroying the myth of the ‘Golden Pussy’ | Babe feature interview

2019-09-26T22:35:03-04:00By |Categories: Dating Advice, Dating Tips for Women, Interview, Relationship Expert, Relationships, Sex|Tags: , , , , , , |

by Jenn Ficarra There's always that one insufferable girl who somehow is with an incredible partner and you have no fucking idea how. The explanation is always the same, though: she must have a golden pussy. But get ready to clutch your pearls because I'm about to hit you with some truth: the golden pussy doesn't exist. According to relationship expert Susan Winter, the golden pussy is a myth and nothing more. Her Babe interview explains that no one woman has a more magical vagina [...]

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Is the best way to get over someone actually getting under someone else? | Babe feature interview

2024-09-24T17:23:24-04:00By |Categories: Breakups & Divorce, Dating Advice, Dating Tips for Women, Interview, Love, Relationship Expert, Relationships, Sex|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

by Jenn Ficarra Can rebound sex heal a broken heart? Babe asked relationship expert Susan Winter if the old adage that the best way to get over someone is to get under someone else? Is it actually true? Or are we just sticking a dick bandage over the hole in our heart? According to best-selling author and relationship expert Susan Winter, it's complicated For the one who was dumped, "rebound sex is a band-aid strategy." When you're dumped, you feel as though you're at a disadvantage and so [...]

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