How Long Does It Really Take To Fall in Love? ‘Bachelorette’ Shocker Raises Questions After Only Two Episodes | Newsweek interview

2019-09-26T22:34:42-04:00By |Categories: Article, Celebrity News, Love, Newsweek, Relationship Expert, Relationships|Tags: , , , , |

BY KELLY WYNNE Bachelorette fans have seen it all: from secret girlfriends back home to desperate cries for attention, but Monday’s episode proposed a Bachelor franchise first. Luke P., one of the men competing for Hannah Brown’s heart this season, confessed he’s already falling in love with the Bachelorette on only the second episode. Fans on Twitter were quick to make a meme out of the awkward, seemingly too-soon confession. It raised questions of how quickly it’s really possible to fall in love, as well as whether the moment was a [...]