Lindsay Rogers

Is It Okay to Take a Trip Without Your Significant Other? | Inside Hook feature

2023-07-04T23:05:43-04:00By |Categories: Article, Dating Advice, Interview, Life & Style, Relationship Expert, Relationships|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

BY LINDSAY ROGERS  Is it okay to take a trip without your significant other? Is it selfish or acceptable for modern independent couples? My feature with Inside Hook examines the pros and cons of solo travel when partnered. #solotravel #couplegoals #relationshipadvice Lindsay writes, "“AITA for not including my girlfriend on an overseas trip?” That’s the question user oberlordy posted to the r/AmItheAsshole subreddit two weeks ago. Since then, it’s garnered more than 1,000 comments from other users with very strong opinions on the matter. “I’m [...]

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Is 2023 Officially the Year of the Solo Trip? | Inside Hook interview

2024-05-14T16:52:56-04:00By |Categories: Article, Interview, Life & Style, Relationship Expert, Single|Tags: , |

BY Lindsay Rogers @LNDSRGRS Thinking a taking a solo trip this year? You’re not alone. My interview in @InsideHook reveals the many benefits of solo travel and why this trend has rapidly gained such popularity. #solotravel #interview #solotrip #rejuvination #mentalhealth Linday writes, "At the onset of 2022, I correctly predicted that, coming off of a year where destination-style family reunions were all the rage (following two years spent inside with SOs and children), solo travel was gearing up to have a moment. Now, according to [...]

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There’s Never Been a More Necessary Time to Go on a Trip Alone | InsideHook Feature

2021-11-07T15:16:41-05:00By |Categories: Article|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |

BY LINDSAY ROGERS Why would someone partnered want to take a trip alone? My feature with InsideHook reveals the surprising relationship benefits within a purposeful ‘time alone’ journey. #solotrips #couples #metime Lindsay writes, "One morning a few weeks back, our CEO announced that he was taking a much-needed vacation. He’d booked accommodations in Montreal and planned to rid himself, however briefly, of his day-to-day responsibilities. The kicker? He was leaving his wife and kid at home and going on this trip alone. The news, as [...]

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