partner selection

The Golden Bachelor shines optimism on a sometimes bleak dating landscape: ‘It’s never too late’ | Independent UK interview

2024-04-30T11:31:27-04:00By |Categories: Article, Celebrity News, Dating Advice, Dating Trends, Independent UK, Interview, Love, Relationship Expert, Relationships|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , |

By Amber Raiken Has ABC’s Golden Bachelor broken the ageism myth around finding love later in life?  My interview with The Independent UK reveals why this series is pivotal to our full-scope view of romance: #TheBachelor #GoldenBachelor #Ageism #FindingLove Amber writes, "The famous Bachelor franchise is about to debut a whole new twist – The Golden Bachelor – which will follow a senior’s search to find his perfect match. On 28 September, viewers will be introduced to the spinoff’s first-ever leading man: A 72-year-old father and [...]

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Should You Ditch Your Relationship After A Disastrous Vacation? | Glam interview

2023-04-01T18:49:43-04:00By |Categories: Article, Dating Advice, Interview, Life & Style, Relationship Expert, Relationships, Uncategorized|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

By Brie Schmidt Disastrous vacation with your mate? Traveling together will reveal your dispositional differences. Before you ditch your relationship, read my interview in Glam Magazine to make the right call: #disastrousvacation #datingadvice #ditchrelationship Brie writes, "Vacations are meant to be a fun and relaxing escape from everyday life — just picture yourself sipping margs poolside, laying on the beach, or sleeping in as long as you want. But they can also be a recipe for relationship conflict. Between booking flights, choosing which attractions are [...]

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Dating App Bios To Make Your Profile Stand Out | The List interview

2023-03-04T20:01:18-05:00By |Categories: Article, Dating Advice, Interview, Online Dating, Relationships|Tags: , , , , , , , |

BY MARICA LAING Wondering how to make your dating app bio stand out from the others? My interview in The List highlights how to attract interest and the right type of partner. #onlinedating #onlineprofiles #attraction #datingadvice Marica writes, "Ah, dating apps. You either love 'em or you hate 'em, but one thing's for sure: they aren't going anywhere. While these apps have their downsides, you've no doubt heard about people who found "the one" on Tinder. If you're ready to put yourself out there, it can feel a [...]

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10 Secrets for Lasting Love From Relationship Experts | Psychology Today interview

2023-02-10T01:58:36-05:00By |Categories: Article, Interview, Love, Relationship Expert, Relationships|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

By Dr. Gary Lewandowski What are the 10 secrets to lasting love? My interview in Psychology Today explains the filtering process that leads to successful partner selection. #lastinglove #partnerselection #findinglove @LewandowskiPhD Gary writes, KEY POINTS Be intentional by reflecting on who you are and what you want. Identify the patterns and behaviors that have been holding you back. Your goal isn’t to mold someone into your long-term partner — it’s to be in a loving relationship. Only date those who have your values and goals [...]

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The Difference Between Loving Someone and Falling In Love, According to a Relationship Expert | Bozije feature

2022-09-03T21:03:27-04:00By |Categories: Article, Interview, Love, Relationship Expert, Relationships|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |

There’s a marked difference between loving someone and falling in love with a person. My feature interview with @bozije explains: #inlove #love #relationshipexpert #feature Books, movies, TV series, music, poems, almost anything you can think of, focuses mostly on one theme: love. So what is this love? This isn’t a question to be answered simply. Everyone has their own definition, a different explanation. For example, is there love at first sight? Who knows? Love is such a unique and powerful emotion. It is an indisputable [...]

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