How to Create ‘Love À La Carte’ | International Mental Health Festival presentation

2023-12-04T20:52:00-05:00By |Categories: Dating Advice, Live Event, Love, Presentation/Event, Relationship Expert, Relationships|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |

How to Create ‘Love À La Carte’ I’m thrilled and honored to be presenting my ‘Love A La Carte Method’ at the International Mental Health Festival on Nov. 8th! Join me to learn how to create the type of love model you want. Free. Virtual. Fantastic. Life is evolving. Humans are evolving. This means that our relationship models should evolve as well. Thankfully, we now recognize that there is no one-size-fits-all formula for partnerships. Today’s evolved individuals are seeking their ‘like-minded other’ to form a [...]