separate bedrooms

Do couples with separate bedrooms actually have better sex-lives? | Stuff interview

2021-04-03T01:44:17-04:00By |Categories: Dating Advice, Interview, Marriage, Relationship Expert, Relationships|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

By Alice O'Connell Can sleeping in separate bedrooms improve your relationship (and love life)? My interview with Stuff highlights why a good night’s sleep benefits your partnership. #sleepingapart #couples Alice writes, "In my younger years, back when I thought being busy was a badge of honour and success was something you only achieved if you blazed through the candle at both ends (I wish you could see the eye roll I’m giving my former self), I thought sleep was pretty irrelevant. I vividly remember seeing [...]

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Couples Are Having Sleep Problems Amid the Pandemic | InsideHook interview

2021-01-27T20:21:16-05:00By |Categories: Dating Advice, Interview, Life & Style, Marriage, Relationship Expert, Relationships|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |

BY KAYLA KIBBE The Pandemic’s stress has disrupted the sleep patterns of many couples, resulting in sleep problems. My interview with InsideHook explains why the need for psychological space has driven lovers to separate bedrooms. #covid #separatebedrooms Kayla writes, Sharing a bed with a partner isn’t always the picture of romantic bliss we imagine it to be, and some couples are realizing that more than ever during the pandemic. CNN reports sleep problems are on the rise among cohabiting couples as the pandemic drags on, [...]

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Why More Happy, Healthy Couples Are Sleeping in Separate Bedrooms | InsideHook feature

2020-08-24T00:09:05-04:00By |Categories: Interview, Love, Marriage, Relationship Expert, Relationships|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

BY KAYLA KIBBE @KAY_KIBBE In former times, we assumed that couples who slept apart were no longer romantic. Nowadays, it’s just the opposite. My interview with InsideHook examines the sexy new trend of separate bedrooms: #couples #sleepingapart #marriage #livingtogether Journalist and editor Kayla Kibbe writes the following: I always assumed it said bad things about my capacity for intimacy that I’ve often thought, should I one day make the grave error of moving in with a romantic partner, I would want us to have separate [...]

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