Shelby Slauer

7 signs you’re in a parasitic relationship with your partner | Insider interview

2019-02-06T16:56:11-05:00By |Categories: Article, Dating Advice, Insider, Relationship Expert, Relationships, Self Help|Tags: , , , , , , |

Shelby Slauer It can be hard to realize you're in a parasitic relationship when you're in the midst of it, but there are signs to look out for when figuring out whether your relationship is more of a job than an actual relationship. From needing to take care of your significant other constantly to dropping things in your life to be with them, sometimes a relationship just isn't what you thought it would be. INSIDER spoke to best-selling author and relationship expert Susan Winter about some of [...]

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8 subtle signs your ex is trying to get you back | Insider interview

2024-09-24T17:24:29-04:00By |Categories: Advice, Article, Breakups & Divorce, Dating Advice, Insider, Love, Relationship Expert, Relationships|Tags: , , , , , , , |

By: Shelby Slauer Breakups can be hard, but sometimes they don't spell the end of a relationship. While movies make us think exes are going to make grand gestures to get you back, that isn't always the case. There can be low-key signs that your ex is trying to win you over again (although it doesn't necessarily mean you should get back together). INSIDER spoke with best-selling author and relationship expert, Susan Winter, and dating and relationships expert Sameera Sullivan, to find out what signs show that a former significant other [...]

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