Lizette Borelli and Richa Sanwal

Why do we check out other people in front of our partner? International Business Times TV asks Susan Winter her opionion and advice.

It’s natural and normal to catch our significant other checking out other people as long as certain boundaries are not crossed.

So, why do so many people in happy, healthy, relationships have wandering eye syndrome?

The Wandering Eye In Relationships

It’s believed being attracted to others is unavoidable. When we look at another person, our brain begins to process the visual information we see, and makes an instantaneous judgement based off the person’s attractiveness. Interestingly, 70 percent of women in relationships admit to having crushes on other men, but most reported these crushes had zero impact on their actual relationships. It’s logical men have the same kinds of crushes.

The wandering eye has become a problem that comes up for many couples. We’d like to think once we enter a relationship, our ability to be attracted to someone else vanishes. Whether our relationship is on the rocks or rock-solid, attraction to other people is inevitable.

The (Possible) Evolution Of The Wandering Eye

Evolution has shown men and women are driven to seek potential partners based on their odds of survival.

Dr. Nancy Irwin, a therapist and clinical hypnotist in Los Angeles, believes as animals, our number-one priority is to procreate and ensure our species survives.

“Evolutionary psychology informs us that females, by their limbic ‘primitive mind’ brain stem, are hardwired to check out a potential partner’s resources [money, strength] to ensure he can protect her and her offspring,” she said.

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