What I’m Grateful for Today is a positive and upbeat podcast that takes a look at where our appreciation lies. Host Shaun Nolan asks Susan, “What 3 lessons have you learned from love (that you’re grateful for)?” Here’s the recording of both Susan and Shaun’s top 3 answers. #love #gratitude #podcast
The title of the show, “The Pearl is Created by Lack of Friction,” is an exact quote from Susan’s book a ‘Allowing Magnificence.” Susan discusses at links of the refining process that we go through as humans in our transit toward evolution. The challenges we face are the refining tools that hone our greatness and provide the “friction.”
About Shaun: Shaun Nolan is a writer, producer, and performer from England best known for his stage play “Paper Dolls” and comedy web series “Pickle”. “What I’m Grateful for Today” is all about promoting a positive mental attitude and each episode sees Shaun sit down with a different guest to discuss three things they’re grateful for today, and why. You can find out more about Shaun and his work on his social media feeds:
IG: @shaunynolan T: @shaunycat