By Olivia Hebert 

Thinking of ‘soft-launching’ your new flame? My interview with @TheIndependent explains why Gen-Z daters prefer a slow reveal of their new mate on social media: #SoftLaunch #DatingTrends #DatingAdvice #NewRelationships #GenZ

Olivia writes, “As summer comes to a close, be prepared to see a wave of soft launches on your social media feeds.

“Soft launch September” was dubbed by The Cut back in 2021 as the natural precursor to “cuffing season,” defined as the period between fall and winter when lonely singletons get “cuffed” or “tied down” by a serious relationship or at least a relationship long enough to last the cold weather. But unlike cuffing season, the soft launch trend is specific to social media, as summer flings take things to the next level by hinting at their relationship on their platform of choice.

The term “soft launch” initially went viral thanks to a since-deleted tweet from Bottoms actor Rachel Sennott. In 2020, she aptly described the social media trend when she wrote: “Congrats on the Instagram soft launch of ur boyfriend (pic on story, elbow and side profile only).”

Although the term is more widely used among online circles, it has slowly made its way into the pop culture vernacular. The slang term refers to the common practice of gradually introducing a new significant other to one’s social media following, originating from a marketing practice in which they tease a new product to drum up interest and excitement. From a carefully choreographed snap of a pair of significantly manlier hands diving into a romantic meal or a picture of your significant other’s literal shadow beside your own, a soft launch can come in many forms, but the number one rule is you never show their face.

Whether you have used the term or not, you’ve likely soft launched someone at one point or another, but the reasons why someone might choose to soft launch can make or break a relationship.

Susan Winter, a relationship expert and the bestselling author of Older Women/Younger Men, tells The Independent that the practice of soft launching “tests the waters of this new romance, as well as the reaction from our friends and family”.

Dating can be an emotional minefield and people can easily get hurt if they jump the gun. “It’s prudent to be cautious in today’s world of modern dating,” the New York City-based relationship expert says. “The partner that acts oh so into us today, can just as easily ghost us tomorrow.”

That’s why Winter stressed that it’s “wise to proceed with optimism and restraint” in a new relationship, because “a romance that begins too hot too fast can burn out just as quickly”.

Hurt from past relationships can widely inform just how public people choose to take their next romance, and many Gen-Zers find themselves apprehensive out of fear. Concerns stem from a belief that posting someone too early in the relationship could spell disaster, and scrubbing an ex from your social media can oftentimes be a painstaking process.”

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