Breakups & Divorce

Weird Things About Elon Musk’s Failed Marriages We All Missed | Nicki Swift Feature Interview

2025-03-01T21:48:12-05:00By |Categories: Article, Breakups & Divorce, Celebrity News, Divorce, Interview, Marriage, Relationship Expert, Relationships|

By Tessa Hayley Hellberg Curious about Elon Musk's marriages and divorces? My feature in Nicki Swift shares the partnerships that failed, and those that ended yet survive to this day. #ElonMusk Elon Musk’s love life often recalls his on-and-off relationship with Grimes, but before that, he had two marriages with unusual dynamics. His first wife, author Justine Musk, called herself his “starter wife” in Marie Claire. They met in college, where Elon admired her ambition, telling her she had "a fire in [her] soul." Over [...]

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9 pieces of advice to help you navigate the ups and downs of romance | NPR Life Kit Interview

2025-02-21T14:29:38-05:00By |Categories: Advice, Article, Breakups & Divorce, Dating Advice, Dating Tips for Men, Dating Tips for Women, Interview, Love, NPR, Relationship Expert, Relationships|

by Malaka Gharib Relationships can be magical but also take work, from resolving conflicts to navigating tough conversations. My interview with NPR Life Kit shares my insights on love, and how to know when it’s time to break up. #NPR #NPRLifeKit #LoveAdvice Many people assume that an instant spark is necessary for a lasting relationship, but research and experience suggest otherwise. Attraction isn’t always immediate—studies show that only 11% of people experience love at first sight, meaning connection and chemistry can develop over time. Not [...]

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The 3-Year Curse: Kaia Gerber and Austin Butler Plus More Celeb Couples Who Split After 3 Years Together | Life&Style Mag Feature

2025-02-02T18:32:19-05:00By |Categories: Article, Breakups & Divorce, Celebrity News, Dating Advice, Dating News, Dating Trends, Divorce, Interview, Life & Style, Relationship Expert, Relationships|

BY JESSICA STOPPER What’s the 3-year curse? My feature in Life&Style shares why the 3-year mark is a breaking point for couples like Kaia Gerber and Austin Butler (and other celebs). #celebritynews #3yearcurse What is that's so pivotal by the 3-year mark? Well, certainly, the honeymoon period is over. Now the couple are more comfortable with each other and being their "real selves." Along with that there's been enough time for conflict and issues to arise. If left unattended, these erode the romance. And why [...]

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The Best Tips for Dating After Divorce | Women interview

2025-01-09T15:58:08-05:00By |Categories: Article, Breakups & Divorce, Dating Advice, Dating Tips for Women, Divorce, Interview, Women|

BY AMANDA CHATEL What are 4 great tips for dating after divorce? My interview in Women shares the best strategy for re-entering the dating scene with confidence and clarity. #datingafterdivorce Getting back into dating after a divorce requires courage and resilience. Once you've finished empowering yourself with your favorite breakup anthems, it takes real strength to re-enter the dating world and try again. People may approach post-divorce dating with various intentions, but regardless of the motive, it's essential to be prepared, stay clear-eyed, and trust your [...]

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When Is It a Good Idea to Get Back Together with an Ex? | People Magazine Interview

2024-09-24T17:26:20-04:00By |Categories: Article, Breakups & Divorce, Dating Advice, Dating Tips for Men, Dating Tips for Women, Interview, Relationship Expert, Relationships|

By Nicholas Rice Thinking of getting back with your ex? My interview with People shares when that's a good idea, and when it's not. When is it Worth it to Get Back Together? Susan Winter and Dr. Jacquie Del Rosario, who both work as relationship coaches, tell PEOPLE that there are reasons why a second try at a relationship could work. People grow and mature; it may be worth re-examining the relationship when that happens. "Reconsidering the relationship is valid when positive changes have occurred [...]

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