From what the younger men have told me, the most alluring quality a woman possesses is her confidence.

This confidence shines through with ease. It’s not the appearance of confidence— marked by a facade of coolness, disapproval, or detachment. It’s a true liking of oneself that allows others to feel comfortable in their presence. This is the natural quality of expression coming from a non-judgmental self. True confidence may express itself as playfulness, warmth, wit, or even casual banter. But, at its core, it is real. Men of all ages can sense it, and find themselves magnetized to it.

Men are attracted to older women because they know who they are, what they want, and don’t play games. This is a relief to younger men who are dating younger women who are still figuring themselves out. Older women are also agreeable, wise, and powerful. They can tell a man very clearly who they are and what they want. They don’t have time for games because they’ve already been there and done that. This clarity and honesty is very attractive to younger men.

While not all younger men prefer older women, those who do, find the clarity, lack of games, and self-knowledge of older women very attractive.