Older Women/Younger Men

Conversations with Susan Winter | VoyagePhoenix Profile Feature

2025-01-18T20:48:36-05:00By |Categories: Article, Dating Advice, Dating News, Interview, Love, Older Women/Younger Men, Relationship Expert, Relationships|

Many of you have asked how I got started in this field. I’m honored to be featured in VoyagePhoenix, sharing the journey that led me to this career and the insights I gained along the way. Below is what was asked of me by the staff writers. I encourage you to read the entire article because quite an interesting bit of business to have to write about yourself in detail. What should you include? What should you leave out? What's too private? What's not revealing [...]

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Signs Sam And Aaron Taylor-Johnson’s Marriage May Not Last | Nicki Swift Feature

2024-10-11T17:32:38-04:00By |Categories: Article - Older Women / Younger Men, Celebrity News, Interview, Life & Style, Marriage, Older Women/Younger Men, Relationship Expert, Relationships|

BY NICOLE CORD-CRUZ Rumors keep swirling that Sam and Aaron Taylor-Johnson’s marriage may not last. My feature in Nicki Swift reveals the crucial missing information that no one’s talking about (and should) in this age-gap relationship. […]

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Men confess: 22 reasons why younger guys fall for older women | Today.com interview

2024-06-18T16:08:43-04:00By |Categories: Article - Older Women / Younger Men, Dating Advice, Dating Tips for Men, Dating Tips for Women, Interview, Love, Marriage, Older Women/Younger Men, Relationship Expert, Relationships|Tags: |

Susan Winter iVillage Update: Are you wondering why younger men fall in love with older women? This new article published in AOL shares direct quotes from the men interviewed for our international bestseller, “Older Women/Younger Men.” At the time, this topic was highly controversial. Imagine… a younger man confesses desiring a committed relationship with an older woman. My co-author and I knew "why" because we both had younger partners. But this story needed to come directly from the men. It was their voice that substantiated [...]

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2024-06-18T15:37:14-04:00By |Categories: Article, Dating Advice, Older Women/Younger Men, Relationship Expert, Relationships, Videos|Tags: |

I’ve just released my ‘OLDER WOMEN | YOUNGER MEN DATING GUIDE’ for older women and the younger men who love them. […]


What Is The Rule Of 7 In Dating? | The List Daily interview

2024-06-18T16:18:19-04:00By |Categories: Article, Dating Advice, Interview, Older Women/Younger Men, Relationship Expert|Tags: , |

BY LANA SCHWARTZ What is the ‘rule of 7’ in dating? My interview with The List Daily explains the thinking behind this century old age-gap standard (that still exists today). Lana writes, "These days, it seems like age-gap discourse is at the top of everyone's minds — or at the very least, every time that Leonardo DiCaprio gets a new girlfriend. And while we might not know Leonardo DiCaprio (48) or his alleged new girlfriend, Eden Polani (19), it still strikes folks the wrong way, especially [...]

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