Articles: Friends

He Wants Children/She Doesn’t

2024-06-19T15:32:25-04:00By |Categories: Article, Article - Older Women / Younger Men, Older Women/Younger Men|Tags: , |

The most common concern of an older woman not wanting children, is that her younger man does. Over the years, I have received countless emails on this subject. The older woman is distraught with fear that she will lose her younger man, if she doesn’t comply. It’s a difficult transit for both parties. The question of children, or not, can be a known deal breaker. I have researched this issue for over a decade and the variations on its outcome still amaze me. I’ve seen [...]

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She Wants Children/He Doesn’t

2024-06-19T15:33:34-04:00By |Categories: Article, Article - Older Women / Younger Men, Older Women/Younger Men|Tags: , |

Children— having them or not, is a known deal breaker in these age varied relationships. It’s one of the most important discussions a couple must address when serious about merging their lives. In age varied relationships, when the woman enters her thirties, this decision becomes paramount. It’s not just societal pressure at work here. It’s her time clock. Knowing her time is limited, a woman wanting children must adjust her life accordingly. With only a certain amount of time available in which to safely reproduce, [...]

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Three Types of Men

2024-06-19T17:08:48-04:00By |Categories: Article, Article - Older Women / Younger Men, Dating Advice, Older Women/Younger Men|Tags: , |

When it comes to the issue of children, there are three types of men: Those that definitely want children Those that definitely don’t want children Those that are neutral—they will go with the woman’s choice It’s important for a man to know which of these three categories he falls into, and to then be able to state his position. Until recently, men were hesitant to outwardly claim they didn’t want children. Times have changed. Society, in general, is more allowing for individual choice to be [...]

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Women from Long-Standing Marriages

2024-06-19T17:10:49-04:00By |Categories: Article, Article - Older Women / Younger Men, Older Women/Younger Men|Tags: , |

There are increasingly larger groups of women each year who re-enter the dating scene. With divorce rates at a known 60% (and incoming statistics pushing this level higher), the reality of having new sexual partners is becoming a way of life. We live, and learn. And, hopefully, we grow in the process. Sexuality is one form of gained self-knowledge. Having come from years of marriage, many women are eager to explore the new world of partnerships. But for many, it’s not only scary, but confusing. [...]

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