By Molly Crane-Newman
Tinder has introduced a new feature which makes it possible to guarantee you don’t end up dating a closet Belieber.
The newest addition to the online dating app was created in partnership with Spotify and lets users pin a personal “anthem” to their profile, which swipers can use to better understand the person they’re sizing up for a date.
“Music is a big aspect of how people meet,” Tinder CEO Sean Rad told Business Insider, adding that the company has been interested in integrating the feature from the get-go.
“You socialize around the music you love. It says a lot about your personality, what your interests are.”
Tinder users can also choose to display their most-played songs from Spotify on their profile — providing they have nothing to hide.
The plan to introduce music to the mix-up has been in the works since Tinder’s creation.
The feature will double-up as a handy conversation starter, too, helping to eliminate those initial “Hi, how are you?” awkward messages — or even worse, cheesy GIFs as ice-breakers.
“Music isn’t a strong enough foundation to create a relationship. But it is a starting point for conversation. The type of music we like says a lot about our disposition and personality. It may influence the ‘automatic swiper’ to take a second look at our profile,” Susan Winter, bestselling author and relationship expert, told the Daily News.
“Anything that dating apps can use to create a sense of ‘connection’ is a plus. Whether it’s an anthem, favorite book, or movie— the goal is to create an inroad to the personality that lies behind the photo image.”
Whether or not the new feature will be groundbreaking is yet to be determined, but it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know that a shared taste in music can only help move things along in the right direction.
“Music is a universal language that stimulates an emotional response. We ‘feel’ music. It seems as though Tinder is trying to unlock the ‘hookup’ box of brand association. Smart move,” Winter said.