By The Frisky

How do you know if you’ve moved on from an ex? My video interview in YourTango reveals the signs that prove your progress is solid.

How long does it take to get over an ex?

Answers vary, of course, depending on lots of different factors, and some people even admit they aren’t sure whether they’d ever get over an ex. While we may not be there now, most of us can remember a time when we wondered the very same thing. And many of us can recall the glorious moment when we realized that our ex wasn’t anything special and is actually just some guy.

Fortunately, time really does heal most wounds and eventually, the fog lifts and the day comes when you realize, suddenly, you’re gloriously, blessedly, wonderfully, finally over him.

That day doesn’t come without warning, of course. There are always signs you’re moving on.

Does the Universe Test Us to See if We’re Really Over Our Exes?

In the video above, Susan Winter answers a question from a viewer named Katie. Katie says that she has been letting go of people from her past and focusing on what she wants in an ideal partner. She was hung up on a guy for a long time, but she decided to move on. A month later, he randomly reached out to her. Katie wonders if this is a test from the universe to make sure she has officially moved on.

Yes, this is a test from the universe. That this happens many times when someone is trying to change course in their love life. The universe will dangle an alluring person in front of you to see if you will settle for something less than what you deserve. It’s a test of your resolve and the universe is asking you if you’re serious about wanting something better.

Susan says that when we commit to something better, we will have a test. This is to show ourselves and the universe that we are serious and Katie’s ex reaching out is a test to see if she really has moved on and if she wants more.

Signs You’ve Finally Moved on From an Ex

Naturally, time heals all wounds, and if you can pass the test, here are some other signs, courtesy of the Your Tango article, that you’re over your ex:

  1. You’re not worried about his horoscope:  You haven’t read his horoscope in over a month.
  2. You don’t stalk him: You take the most direct route to work instead of driving the long way to check for unfamiliar cars in his driveway.
  3. You’ve forgotten important dates: It was his mother’s birthday last week and you didn’t remember until this morning.
  4. You start deleting photos of him: Your best friend suggests you delete the photo you’ve saved of him in your camera and you don’t even flinch.
  5. You don’t see him everywhere: It’s been three weeks since you “could have sworn” you saw him on the street.
  6. You’re open to new people: You meet someone new at a party and when he asks if you have a boyfriend, you say “no” instead of “I did, but we broke up.”

To read the remaining 15 signs check out the full article here: