New York and Beyond host Christina Kremidas profiles the lives of notable New Yorkers. This episode covers all things love and romance with relationship expert Susan Winter.

Christina Kremidas is a real estate agent based in NYC with a growing Instagram account (@downtownnative), YouTube Channel and Podcast where she shares real estate and lifestyle content with a New York City focus. She has two podcasts: “Real Estate Investing in New York” and a new podcast I have launched called “New York & Beyond.”

Christina aligns with top experts in a variety of disciplines, all of which add to the greater New York experience. She collaborates with famous artists, thinkers, style-makers and celebrities. Her series include: Wellness Experts and Therapists discussing ways to fight depression and pandemic fatigue, how to stay level-headed in these trying times with a Fitness and Nutrition coaches discussing how to better incorporate movement into our lives as we WFH, and Interior Designers decor tips and advice for how to refresh our apartments on a budget.

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